Ten Blessings of Being an Intercessor
- The pray-er gets the blessing. As praying regularly for others becomes a habit, God meets our needs even before we ask.
- Being an intercessor places us in our very own ministry. Our commitment to pray for others is a calling from God. He has chosen us for this special work.
- You are part of a world-wide fellowship of sacrifice and service to God.
- You are God’s instrument to work out his divine plan in the lives of others. He uses you to minister, heal, bless, honor, and release his power in our world.
- God builds your faith through your faithfulness to pray. As you witness his faithful answers to prayer, your own faith is built up, sustains you, and you become mighty in the spirit.
- Your prayers restrain the work of Satan and his minions in their goal to destroy the righteous plans of God and His people. We are soldiers on the front lines in the battle between good and evil.
- Prayer is the most divine act you can perform for the kingdom of God. It is a selfless action that glorifies Him.
- Our hearts for prayer grows. As a result, we will be used more and more by the Lord to carry out his heavenly mission.
- God provides you with all the spiritual gifts you need as he equips you for this calling.
- We receive divine protection when we serve in the ministry of intercession. We are in God’s perfect will when we pray for others. When we are in his will we are kept in the shadow of His wings.